Alpha roadmap

Time for a long overdue check-in to give a progress update, and share my intended plans and timings for the Tales of Autumn Alpha!

Wrapping up 2021

If I scroll to the top of my dev diary, it tells me I kicked off the project notes officially on November 23rd 2020. It took me about 4 weeks to learn the engine and get some thoughts materialised, so I only really consider the project being underway in Jan of 2021.

Through the year I’ve built basically all of the core features - animal management, NPCs, inventory, and terrain have all been working for quite some time. The last couple of months have mainly been on adding in content - lots of conversations, quests, cutscenes, festivals, etc. It’s been great, but I massively underestimated the work involved in populating all of this!

In between adding in content, I’ve now had four of you actually play it! Each time has been really positive, and followed the same formula:

  • Clear opening sequence

  • Game breaks at some point within the first day

  • I apologise and get it fixed within 30 secs

  • Game plays until we decide to stop!

The play tests have been invaluable, so thanks again to each of you. I’m working on some in-game thank yous ;)

So, when’s the alpha?

The tldr is…. April.

The long answer is also April, but February for some of you!

There’s enough in the game already that I could cut and run an alpha today, I just wouldn’t be happy about it just yet.

Whats remaining? Outside of just ‘more everything’, my alpha bigger items to-do list is down to:

  • Implement the karma bonuses / consequences
    As you earn or lose karma, the town will react accordingly. For example, if your karma level drops into the lower thresholds, festivals stop, store prices will rise and some neighbours may even leave! On the contrary, players with high karma levels will be rewarded with store discounts, additional content and even some occasional help on the ranch!

  • Steam builds
    To date I’ve been running off two laptops. Looking at the documentation, it shouldn’t be too arduous to get on Steam for the Alpha distribution

  • Seasonal changes
    Right now the game reacts to the changing seasons, but the look of the game doesn’t. The plan is for the gameworld to react and change appearance through each season too, so that needs doing!

  • A Winter festival
    Right now winter has some unique stuff going on, but I haven’t added any festivals or big events to it just yet, and I’d like at least one per season for the alpha

So, if you’re interested in taking part let me know! I aim to run 5 more pre-alpha sessions through February to help with early feedback and bughunting.

Getting there!



Roadmap update


October 2021 progress update